Parsons Road - Travis County, Manor, TX
- Approximately 10 miles from Elgin, 17.5 miles from ABIA, 18.7 miles from Downtown Austin, and 19 miles from Taylor
- ~8 minutes north of the Tesla Giga Factory and Applied Materials is approximately 10 minutes northwest of the property
Investment Highlights
- City of Austin 5-mile ETJ
- Surrounded by existing and future residential and mixed-use developments
list of nearby developments
-Whisper Valley
-Hidden Lake Estates
-Lariat B Ranch
-Wolf Residential
-Civicap BTR
-Indian Hills
-The Estates a Bell Farms
- Sewer – Taylor Lane WWTP or Briarcreek
- Water available – Manville WSC (12inch)
Approximately 51 acres in FEMA 100-yr.